Scarlet Stiletto Dance Company


Scarlet Stiletto Dance Company


We are celebrating our 7th Anniversary by dancing to music from some of our previous shows.... only the music has been used before EVERYTHING else is new. We are delighted to announce that this time we will be performing at The Red Room Theatre at the amazing Paris Plage. If you haven't already visited this lively venue you really must. It has so many attractions and fun things to do including : Riding Stables, a Theater, Rentals, Business District, Paint Ball Arena, Zooby Family Fun Park, Baby Blessings Maternity Clinic, The Three Horseshoe's Pub,Houseboat Rentals, Center Club, Royal Fish Hunt, DFS Farmers Market and probably much more I've forgotten to mention AND as if all that isn't enough they have The Scarlet Stiletto Dancers performing their fabulous show "Celebrate" for you on

Estamos celebrando nuestro 7º aniversario bailando con la música de algunos de nuestros programas anteriores... solo la música se ha utilizado antes, TODO lo demás es nuevo. Estamos encantados de anunciar que esta vez actuaremos en The Red Room Theatre en la increíble Paris Plage. Si aún no ha visitado este animado lugar, realmente debe hacerlo. Tiene tantas atracciones y cosas divertidas para hacer, que incluyen: Caballerizas, un teatro, alquileres, distrito de negocios, Paint Ball Arena, Zooby Family Fun Park, Baby Blessings Maternity Clinic, The Three Horseshoe's Pub, Houseboat Rentals, Center Club, Royal Fish Hunt, DFS Farmers Market y probablemente mucho más que he olvidado mencionar. Y como si todo esto no fuera suficiente, tienen a The Scarlet Stiletto Dancers presentando su fabuloso espectáculo "Celebrate" para usted

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